Accessing and Nurturing Nature Together
Bugle Library of Things is a Community Share Shop and Community Fridge based in Bugle. It’s well-known, trusted and much-loved for its grassroots and community-led approach to helping everyone access the things they need – from tools and electrical appliances, through school uniforms to food – irrespective of income and circumstances, while protecting the environment by reducing waste.
Now the Library of Things’ new ‘Accessing and Nurturing Nature Together’ project is adding to these core services new activities which will have dual benefits: addressing community needs while protecting local wildlife, nature and the planet, so that people and the planet can thrive side by side.
The new activities are designed to get local people actively involved in practical environmental actions, informing and educating new people about nature and sustainability and involving marginalised groups in solutions in their own area. The project organisers hope it will “bring our community closer to nature, creating habitats on our doorsteps, and providing opportunities for future generations to benefit from the improved natural environment this project creates…for years to come.”
“a perfect match to our existing Library of Things. The Seed Library, the idea for which came from the community, will stock a range of different seeds that anyone can ‘borrow’, with the intention of returning some at the end of the season”
Eden Geothermal Community Fund is delighted to be supporting a new Seed Library, described by the project team as “a perfect match to our existing Library of Things. The Seed Library, the idea for which came from the community, will stock a range of different seeds that anyone can ‘borrow’, with the intention of returning some at the end of the season. By removing a cost barrier and getting people gardening, it will provide a means of building community engagement, supporting people’s learning and development, increasing interest in the natural environment, enhancing local plant diversity and promoting wildlife-friendly plants.
The Fund is also covering some of the volunteer expenses associated with the new project and is providing a small contribution to a programme of seed and plant swapping events. It’s hoped these events will enable the community to come together to ensure even ‘surplus’ plants are used to their full potential, and will hopefully inspire some new sustainable gardeners.
We wish Bugle Library of Things huge success with the new Seed Library and plant swaps – as well as with the other aspects of their new project, which include getting local people involved in making bird feeders, and giving away thousands of ‘seed bombs’ for people to plant around the area. We hope to be able to post updates here of how they’re getting on.