Play equipment for Penarwyn Green Play Area
When play equipment at Penarwyn Green Play Area in St Blazey failed safety tests, the area looked set to close.
Cornwall Council, who were responsible for the site, were simply no longer able to provide the maintenance required. Reluctant to lose this local amenity, the community asked St Blaise Town Council for help, and the Town Council agreed to step in and take over responsibility for the site.
St Blaise Town Council have plans to install some great new play equipment at Penarwyn Green. The new equipment will not only benefit local children but will also have a positive visual impact on the neighbourhood as a whole, as old and ugly installations make way for new and attractive ones. In time it’s also hoped that a community garden with flower beds and vegetable gardens can be introduced to further enhance the space, and to engage young people with growing.
However, most of the equipment to be installed is suitable for slightly older children, and local residents were keen for the play area to cater for younger age groups, too. So Eden Geothermal Community Fund is pleased to be making a contribution to the project in the form of purchasing ‘Crazy Hen’ and ‘Crazy Nellie the Elephant’ spring rockers, which are suitable for the under 5s.
St Blaise TC have a little way to go to find all the funds needed to cover installation costs for the new equipment, but we’re optimistic we’ll see the new play area being enjoyed very soon.
The new equipment will not only benefit local children but will also have a positive visual impact on the neighbourhood as a whole.